Museum of Christian Art

Museum of Christian Art, located in the crypt of the temple-monument "St.. Alexander Nevsky", It was established in 1965 as an affiliate of the National Gallery. The exhibition presents Christian art in the Bulgarian lands and is among the richest collections of icons in the world.

The time range is from the official Christianization of the Roman Empire in the fourth century to the Bulgarian national revival in the eighteenth century – XIX century. icons, wall-painting fragments, prints, manuscripts and liturgical objects are property of the National Gallery, the National Archaeological Institute with Museum, the National History Museum, National Church Historical and Archaeological Museum, Museums in Shumen, Veliko Tarnovo, Nessebar, ruse, Plovdiv, Rila, Bachkovski, Transfiguration, Etropole other monasteries.

free entrance: children up 12 city, Visitors with disabilities, students from art schools, employees of museums and galleries, press, Members of UBA, ICOM, ICOMOS, AIAP, AICA.

In Thursday - 2 Levs.

Conversation (in Bulgarian, English and Russian) – 30 Levs.

Listing Information

Работно време на касата: to 17.30 no.

Days off - Monday, holidays in Bulgaria, Christmas, New Year and Easter

Contact information

Ministry of Culture

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